Why You Need More Raw Silk In Your Wardrobe

Slowly Incorporating More Spring Things

I pulled all of my spring items out of storage and started incorporating some spring colors into my winter wardrobe. Like this lemongrass-green, raw silk, shirt. And army green pants for a monochrome outfit. These pieces can easily be mixed up in so many different ways for spring outfits. Slowly switching over to a new season is a great strategy for a more sustainable and practical approach to your wardrobe. First, start to slowly add more spring colors and styles that are practical enough to wear when it is still cold outside. Then start to branch out when the days are warm and sunny. I always get excited when I pull out my seasonal wardrobe. It is like getting a wardrobe upgrade without any money spent. And there are always favorites that I get excited about wearing that I completely forgot about.

Why I Am Adding More Raw Silk To My Closet

raw silk
raw silk
raw silk

Where to Find Sustainably Made Raw Silk

I have been trying to get better about buying only clothing that is made out of natural materials. That are also bio-degradable. First prioritizing buying these materials from second-hand sources. There are a ton of beautiful and affordable raw silk options that you can add to your wardrobe. By shopping on Etsy or other re-sale platforms. But there are also some really amazing brands that use this material. One of my personal favorites is Ozma of California. I am wearing their raw silk kimono on this post here and here.

It is easy to trust brands like Ozma. Because they are transparent about their sustainable and ethical business practices. But you have to still be careful about where you are buying natural materials. Natural materials are considered high-end commodities with high demand. Unfortunately, this can still have catastrophic consequences on people, animals, and our planet. Making thoughtful wardrobe decisions is crucial to keep demand low and the start taking control of these numerous consequences. If you are buying new natural materials you want to first prioritize organic and recycled materials above all else. But if your access is limited then conventional natural materials still beat the plastic alternatives. As long as you intend on keeping this item forever.

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raw silk

What is Silk and How Can We Purchase It Ethically

When it comes to silk there is an ethical way to produce it. And there is a not so ethical way to produce it. First of all, do you know what silk is made out of? I ask this because I didn’t realize myself until today. Silk is from the cocoon from a silkworm. Apparently, it is a common practice to boil these animals alive so they don’t damage the material when they break out. So not entirely vegan-friendly. But if you find a company that is transparent about their practices. Then you can find raw silk that does not harm these moths. This kind of silk is called “peace silk” or “ahimsa(non-violence) silk” depending on where it is produced.

No matter where you are in your sustainable wardrobe journey. I am here to help make the process more accessible for everybody with tips and information about the fashion industry. It has become extremely difficult to be perfect when building a fully sustainable wardrobe. But all we can do is our best, and that looks different for everyone. I am here to make sure you know that there are options. You should never beat yourself up if you cannot conquer these issues all at once. It takes practice, discipline, and a whole lot of awareness. If we want to make a shift in the fashion industry. And we have to be a community that supports each other rather than one that tears each other apart.

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raw silk
raw silk

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