Summer in Colorado: Strawberry Picking at Berry Patch Farms


One Saturday morning Adam and I headed off to Berry Patch Farms to pick some flowers but had no idea what would be there to surprise us. As soon as we arrived we were welcomed with the news that there were ripe strawberries, the best the farmers have seen all year, and they were ready for us to pick. My eyes got big and my spirit was lifted at the sound of the news. My inner child came out and I could not contain my excitement. Adam even said he hasn’t seen me smile so much in a while. It was just such a wonderful surprise and a day I will never forget. I think strawberry picking is my new found tradition for harvest season.


The simple farm life is for me and makes me giddy for so many reasons. I never had experience with the farm life but as I have gotten older and have learned more about myself I know it is for me. If I had the money to settle down on a property like Berry Patch Farms my life would be complete. I love the idea of growing my own food, whatever my heart desires, and sharing it all with my community. There is something so special about tending to plants and nature. It feels like a natural thing that we were all meant to do but this modern world has stolen what is naturally meant to be from all of us. Making us live in a box and work in a box. And eat foods that are ground down until they have no nutritional value.


Simple, natural, wholesome living is always something I advocate for and will continue to grow my voice to speak about the importance of this way of living. It was an inspiring morning getting to experience the farm life at Berry Patch Farms. The homes in this neighborhood have so much acreage to grow whatever they like. It makes me wish I could visit all of their neighbors to see what they are growing. Each yard is lush and beautiful with agriculture and rustic barns. Each spot picture perfect.


Berry Patch Farms is a certified organic farm that grows many different things throughout the year. It was my favorite activity I have ever done in the Denver area and I had no idea that U-Pick farms existed in Colorado until I did some digging. It is one thing getting fresh produce from a farmers market, but it is a whole other experience picking your food fresh off the plant. I loved the feeling of knowing how fresh the strawberries were and how unbelievably juicy they tasted. You could smell the sweet aroma of the berries as soon as you picked them off. No other strawberry has ever tasted so good. We bought three cartons full and man was it worth every penny. I used them in smoothies and for a delicious morning treat every morning. I cannot wait to go back to Berry Patch Farms to see what they are growing next.


I took so many photos when I visited Berry Patch Farms so I will be sharing the flower picking photos on the next blog with more information about Berry Patch Farms and every inspiring thing that they do. Thanks for reading!

2 responses to “Summer in Colorado: Strawberry Picking at Berry Patch Farms”

  1. […] an amazing selection of organic produce. Learn more about this farm by reading my blogs about my berry picking and flower picking experience. We love visiting these amazing farmers every […]

  2. […] and some delicious golden raspberries. Find my Berry Patch Farms blog post from last year here. I have been making oatmeal every morning this week, I will share my recipe later, and I hope to […]

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