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The Snowmass Hot Air Balloon Festival

Snowmass Hot Air Balloon Festival

Crossing The Snowmass Hot Air Balloon Festival Off My Bucket List

I have been dying to see a hot air balloon festival for some time now. The Snowmass Hot Air Balloon Festival has been on my Colorado bucket list ever since I heard about it a couple of years ago. Finally, the timing lined up perfectly this year. I am so glad we took the time to visit Snowmass while we had the chance. It was such an incredible experience to see such colorful things dance over the rocky mountains. I highly recommend checking this event out if you get the chance. The event is not as big as the festivals in  Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Cappadocia, Turkey. However, it is still a great experience to see.

Our Journey to the Festival

We stayed in Breckenridge a couple of nights and then early Saturday morning I made Adam, my boyfriend, wake up at 5 am. I am the type that can’t wait to get up and going when it comes to traveling and sleep is of secondary importance because I am too eager to see and do everything. I am like a dog, too excited that I will miss out on something if I sleep too much. But Adam is a light sleeper and likes to enjoy every bit of sleep he can get. Then he wake up naturally when his inner alarm goes off. So waking him up early for the festival is my way of training him. That way he can be ready for a lifetime filled with exciting, and maybe even a little sleep deprived adventures.

We drove, or Adam drove, out to Snowmass, which is a couple of hours away from Breckenridge. It was quiet on the road on a Saturday morning. Everyone likes to drive late Friday night. So it was good to get on the highway early before everyone else was up driving to their next destinations. We ended up making the last hour of the event to scope out the best photo spots. Then on Sunday, we woke up early again to take advantage of the early morning light. Just as the balloons started gracing the sky. There were only 30 balloons that attend this event. But it is enough to make any ordinary day a little more magical. And Snowmass is such a beautiful place. It was the first time I had ever been and there is so much to see and do there.

Where We Stayed in Snowmass

We stayed at the Timberline Condominiums up in Snowmass for a couple of nights. That way we could enjoy the hot air balloon event in the morning. The condos were quaint with a nice kitchenette and a very nice pool and gym area. But we didn’t get a chance to use these facilities because we were so busy driving around exploring all the sights. We explored Aspen most of the time we were there, which I will share more about in another post. Aspen is only about a 15-minute drive from Snowmass. Snowmass is a little bit cheaper to stay at than Aspen. And located close to all the good hiking and sights. It was fun to see Aspen again. I have been there once before during the wintertime for the X-Games. I saw Twenty-One Pilots play on Buttermilk mountain in the dead of winter. That was quite the experience, let me tell you. Cold, but extremely fun, and yes I would do it again. But when I visited for the concert a few years ago. We didn’t get to see everything that this famous mountain town has to offer.

Snowmass Hot Air Balloon Festival

So Much To See and Do In Snowmass

Snowmass is a small ski town with only a handful of restaurants and shops on the mountain. I would have liked to explore more of Snowmass. There were so many valleys and trails in between all the beautiful mountains. But for this trip, we ran out of time and couldn’t do everything. That is always the hard thing about traveling. You can never see it all. But we live close enough to Aspen and Snowmass I am sure we will visit again. Maybe next time earlier in Summer to see all the colorful wildflowers. While we were in Snowmass they also had a Ciderfest and Septemberfest on the same weekend as the Snowmass Hot Air Balloon Festival. There always seems to be so many exciting events that go on in the mountains over the weekends. It really draws everyone from the city up into these quaint mountain towns. I typically try to avoid crowded festivals and wintertime because the mountains are my place to escape. And I would much rather be visiting in the summertime on a weekday. That way I have a better chance of having a trail all to myself.

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