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Vegan Forsythia Cookies with Lemon & Lavender

The forsythia bush in my front yard has been blooming and it was one of my favorite sights to see in the springtime. The bright yellow blooms are such a happy flower to see after a long winter. And they inspired me to create these delicious springtime forsythia cookies.

Many of you may not know but forsythia is incredible herbal medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine, they created herbal formulas with forsythia that worked to treat common colds, bronchitis, influenza, and allergies. Forsythia is a great ally for common spring ailments and would be especially helpful nowadays to fight off the virus.

There are at least 3,000 years of documented use that states that it is a detoxer that helps relieve toxic and hot conditions in the body. These conditions commonly correlate with inflammation due to infectious diseases, viral and bacterial infections. It is also a proven diuretic, antimicrobial, skin tonic, emmenagogue (stimulates blood flow in the pelvic and uterus area), anti-scrofulous(scrofula is a tuberculosis infection), febrifuge (reduces fever), vermifuge(expels parasites), and is used for sore throats/strep throat and skincare and haircare. (Stephenson,

The flowers can be used in tea, as a decoction or infusion. Or use them to make beautiful spring salads or spring desserts like these delicious floral cookies. These forsythia lemon lavender cookies turned out like little mini scones and taste a little buttery even though they are completely plant based. I also love how they turned out so good with the simplest ingredients. I hope you enjoy this not too sweet treat for a slow and indulgent moment with some herbal tea in the fresh spring air.

Ingredients for Forsythia Cookies

Forsythia Tea

5 tbsp of Local lavender honey

lemon zest

3 tbsp chia seeds ground in a coffee grinder

2 cups almond flour

4 tbs of coconut oil

baking soda

pinch of salt


Make the forsythia tea with the flowers by covering and steeping for at least 15 minutes. Then add your ground up chia seeds to form a paste. Then combine the coconut oil and honey in a bowl or immersion blender cup and blend together with your paste. Add this mixture to your dry ingredients and lemon zest and mix with your hands. Add crushed lavender for extra lavender flavor. Form the batter into small cookie balls, then press and bake in oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until a little golden.

*Disclaimer* Consult a health care professional before taking any medicinal herbs.

Stephenson, K. (2012, April). Edible Wild Food Blog: Pruning Forsythia But Save The Blossoms [Web log post]. Retrieved May 19, 2021, from https://www.ediblewildfood.com/blog/2012/04/pruning-forsythia-but-save-the-blossoms/

For more plant-based recipes with herbal ingredients feel free to step into my kitchen and learn how to start cooking vibrant delicious food medicine that heals your body, mind, and spirit. Also, subscribe to emails so you don’t miss any seasonal recipes that I release every week.

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